I had some spare time this morning and turned my A1c/Avg converter into a widget you can put on your own blog or web pages. It will convert A1c to average blood sugar and vice versa using either mg/dl or mmol/L. You can also use it to convert mmol/L and mg/dl back and forth. Enter one measurement, and the converter will fill in the others.
This converter uses the most recent ADAG formula which was just published this past fall. It is based on a large number of CGMS measurements and is supposed to be more accurate than the old DCCT formula which is the one most commonly used. That's because the DCCT formula was derived from infrequent meter testing. I find this formula gives a lower equivalent than the DCCT formula. And to me it appears more accurate.
You will find the new widget at Widgetbox.com HERE
Give it a try and let me know what you think. Also let me know if you have a problem displaying it on your screen. I've tested it on our computers but there may be problems with some screen sizes and fonts.
If you want to install it on a page of your own, click the "get widget" link and past the code into your own page. In blogger, use the "Layout" feature and create a new "HTML/Javascript" item.
I've also added a "Recent Posts" widget which shows more posts by title than the Blogger Archive does. The archive is now at the bottom of the page.
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