Well, it's been about two months since my book came out, and I've been really happy with the reception. I have gotten a lot of email from buyers who found it very helpful, and their words have been really heartening. A few have told me they went on to buy copies for friends and relatives and some bought copies for their local libraries. Thanks so much to all of you!
Just last week I got a letter from my hero, Dr. Richard K. Bernstein. I'd sent him a copy at the suggestion of Steve Freed of Diabetes in Control after he published a very positive review of the book. But I didn't expect to hear back from Dr. Bernstein since I take a very different approach to diet than he does and because I knew he was still enthusiastic about TZD drugs which I write are dangerous for people with diabetes.
So imagine my surprise when I opened his letter and read that the enjoyed Blood Sugar 101 and believed it contained information available nowhere else and that people with diabetes should read it! I've written to ask him if I can quote what he wrote and until I hear from him, I won't cite his exact words, but you better believe I was walking on air for a few days after I got that letter!
The challenge with marketing this kind of book is that because I'm not a doctor and because the book is published by a small press, I can't go on the radio or TV to promote it, and the book chains won't stock it on their shelves. So that means I pretty much have to rely on whatever word of mouth recommendations I can stimulate to get people to buy it from the online bookstores where it is available.
So that leads to this blatant plea for your help. If you have read Blood Sugar 101 and have found it helpful, let people know. Also, ask your local public library to stock it. It is available from Baker & Taylor, the company that sells to libraries, and most libraries will order books that patrons ask for.
If you have any other ideas for how we can get more people reading this book, let me know. Sales have been very good for a small press book, but in absolute numbers that is still not a lot of books. Now that I have gotten the kind of enthusiastic feedback I have, it seems even more important to get the word out about this book. It seems there are still a lot of people who don't read the web sites and blogs and who really benefit from access to the "Dead Tree" version.
Here's a page that links to some of the excellent reviews and blog discussions that have been published online and the sites where you can buy Blood Sugar 101:
Blood Sugar 101, The Book.
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