Friday, April 15, 2011

Japanese Radiation Iodine Update 8: No More News Coming Our Way

The earthquake and tsunami hit Japan on March 11, 2011. Let’s take inventory of the situation. Is the nuclear situation under control? No. Are we being exposed to radioactive particles from this disaster? Yes. Are there things we can do to protect ourselves? Yes.

What is amazing to me is how the media has stopped reporting on this story. Here we have a continuing melt-down and release of radioactivity from Japan and now there is literally nothing being said about it.

Radioactive iodine has been found in water and milk samples throughout the U.S. In fact, many water supplies from Los Angeles to Detroit have tested positive for radioactive iodine. But, keep in mind, the authorities are not testing (or not reporting) for contamination with radioactive cesium, plutonium or uranium all of which have a longer half-life than iodine.
I have stated before that the amount of radioactive iodine that we are currently being exposed to is not lethal, but it is not innocuous. The danger is greater for those who are iodine deficient. Compared to iodine sufficient people, those who are deficient (i.e., the majority of Americans) are more likely to absorb and bind radioactive iodine.

Wherever radioactive iodine binds in the body, it destroys and damages cells. Where does this occur? Every cell in the body needs and utilizes iodine. However, iodine is concentrated in the glandular tissue—the breasts, thyroid, ovaries, and uterus are examples of tissue that concentrate iodine.

I believe the reason we are seeing such an epidemic of disease of the breasts, thyroid, ovaries and uterus is due, in part, to iodine deficiency. I describe this in more detail in my book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, 4th Edition.
One of the first steps that you can do to prevent problems with exposure to radioactive iodine is to become iodine sufficient. In our toxic world, my experience has shown that iodine supplementation in milligram amounts is necessary to accomplish this.

However, as I stated above, the disaster in Japan is more than just radioactive iodine leakage. Radioactive plutonium, cesium and uranium are also being released into the atmosphere. These items have a much longer half-life than iodine and are much more dangerous. What can you do to protect yourself from these items?

To protect yourself from radioactive toxins as well as other toxicities, it is important to ensure adequate hydration. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of drinking enough water. How much water? Take your weight in pounds, divide by two and the resulting number is the amount of water to ingest per day in ounces. My experience is that most new patients, especially those with chronic illness, are dehydrated. I always inform these patients they will not achieve their optimal health without maintaining adequate hydration.

There is one nutrient that can help combat nearly any toxicity. That nutrient is vitamin C. Ensuring adequate vitamin C intake is important. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the diet as the body cannot manufacture vitamin C; therefore, we have to ingest enough in our diet. What are the best dietary sources of vitamin C? Fruits and vegetables are the best food sources of vitamin C. However, most people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables to maintain optimal vitamin C levels. Furthermore, our toxic environment has increased our need for vitamin C as it aids all the detoxification pathways. I suggest taking 3-5,000mg/day of vitamin C. Buffered vitamin C seems to be the most tolerated form for this large dose. If you get diarrhea with these doses of vitamin C, you can lower the dose.

Other nutrients which help prevent damage from radioactivity include vitamin E—as mixed tocopherols at 200UI/day), alpha lipoic acid (300mg twice per day), and unrefined sea salt (1/2-1 tsp/day). Also, eating a healthy diet, free of refined foods, is a big help. Note: All of these supplements mentioined above can be found at my office;

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