Sunday, March 6, 2011

Problems with Antidepressant Medications

An article in Family Practice News (7.1.07) stated that antidepressant usage is correlated with the development of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is presently affecting over 50% of the U.S. population. What is metabolic syndrome? It is a constellation of findings that can include at least three of the following:

1. Central obesity (i.e., large waist) as measured by waist circumference in men of >40 inches and women> 35 inches.
2. Fasting blood triglycerides (the fat in the blood) >150mg/dl.
3. HDL cholesterol level less than 40mg/dl in men and 50mg/dl in women
4. Blood pressure >130/85mmHg
5. Fasting glucose > 110mg/dl

This study found that taking an antidepressant medication increased the risk of developing abnormal lipid levels by:

1. 80% in those patients that had schizophrenia
2. 60% in those patients that had schizoaffective disorder
3. 120% in those patients that had major depression

It is well known that there is a relationship between having metabolic syndrome and developing depression.

As I discuss in Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do, there are many adverse effects from many commonly used prescription medications. People who have depression do not have an antidepressant-medication deficit. Often times they have multiple nutritional and hormonal imbalances that need to be corrected. When these items are rectified, many times their symptoms of depression will resolve. If you have depression, I encourage you to have your vitamin, mineral and hormone levels checked before you start on a medication. If you are on an antidepressant medication, do not suddenly stop taking it. Find a holistic doctor who can work with you and help you correct any imbalances and help you detoxify your body. This will allow you the ability to taper off the medication or lower the dose.

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