The other is blog subscribers--people who come in every time I post something new. A few of these regulars post comments. The rest just read and leave. But thanks to the magic of page stats I can see how many silent regulars we have here, too, and there are a lot of you.
As most of my regular readers know, this past year I haven't had the time I usually have to research and post about the latest diabetes news because, much to my amazement, last June I sold a novel and two sequels to a major publisher. The novel was finished, but the sequels weren't even begun,and because big publishers demand that their authors deliver new books very quickly, I have had to dig in this past year and work my butt off to meet my deadlines.
Since I have one more year to go on this current contract I'm not going to be able to post here three times a week for at least another year. That means that when I do post I want to give my devoted readers what they want the most. The question is, what? I hope you, who are reading this current post, can give me some feedback to help me do this.
Typically I do a couple different kinds of post. I comment on really important news about advances or new discoveries in the diabetes field. I warn you about the many highly publicized, poorly designed studies that come up with misleading and sometimes downright dangerous conclusions that result from poor study design or cynical manipulations on the part of the companies who fund them.
I also post about the tips and tricks that can help readers lower their blood sugar. Some of these posts may state things that are not news to those of you who have had diabetes but the mail this blog generates suggests that those simple posts are the ones that have the most impact on the many newly diagnosed people who find this site every week.
So tell me. Over the next year, what kinds of posts would you like to see when you find a new post on this blog? What do you find here that you find the most helpful in your ongoing struggle with diabetes?
I realize that readers will have different needs and that some of you might not agree with other's ideas of what is most important. That's good. I want to hear from as many of you as possible to get a feeling for what keeps you coming back and what helps you preserve your health.
Post your ideas in the comments section. What kinds of posts would you like to see here over the months ahead?
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