Thursday, April 15, 2010

Real Life Gets in the Way of Blogging

Just a word of apology for steadfast Friends of the Blog. As many of you know, I'm in the middle of fulfilling a three book contract with HarperCollins/Avon. I'm finishing up my second novel and it is taking my full concentration in a way that is making it hard to devote the time and attention I usually put into following the diabetes news.

I've been keeping an eye on things, and commenting here and there, but it will be a while longer until I can write more of the substantive, well-researched posts you've come to expect from me.

For those of you who are new to the blog, there is a wealth of information stored in the back issues of this blog which you can find by clicking on the Blog Archive links you'll find to the right of this post. And, of course, the Main Blood Sugar 101 Site presents the most important facts and findings relevant to the whole spectrum of blood sugar disorders, broken out by topic.

My first novel, Lord Lightning, will be coming out September 28th. It's a Regency-set Historical Romance, which should entertain those of you who enjoy Romance novels. My favorite authors in the genre are Laura Kinsale, Jo Beverley, Loretta Chase, and Mary Balogh. If you like their work, you probably will enjoy mine.


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