Frank who posts as "Jefferson" on, posted the description of the clinical trial now underway to test whether gastric bypass cures Type 2 diabetes in people as well as in mice.
Here is the protocol from the NIH Clinical Trials web site:
Study of Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass as a Potential Cure for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
What immediately leaps out of the description of the protocol is this statement:
The clinical resolution of T2DM is defined as independence of all anti-diabetic medications and maintaining a HbA1c less than 6.0.
This should raise huge red flags in all of us, because by this definition all of the many hundreds of members of the 5% Club who have lowered their A1cs by cutting down on their carbs have already "cured" their diabetes. You can read reports from members of the 5% Club HERE.
I immediately ask myself, why didn't 60 Minutes run a story about how cutting back on carbs can "cure diabetes?"
But of course, no one makes $25,000 selling low carb diets to people with diabetes, while that is the usual tab for Gastric Bypass surgery.
And as all of us who have lowered our A1cs to the normal range know very well, Diabetes is not "cured" when you lower your A1c to 5.9%. You've cut way down on your chances of developing complications, but the underlying problem still remains. And whether attaining the lower A1cs by crippling your digestive system will produce permanent normal blood sugars in people for whom the bypass does not cause permanent malnutrition syndrome is very questionable.
When gastric bypass is successful for weight loss and does not produce complications that destroy the gut and produce malnutrition syndromes it often works onlyfor a few years and then fails--often leading to weight regain.
So for all of those who have been hailing this radical surgery as a cure for diabetes there already IS a "cure" for diabetes that does not require you to risk your life. It's called carbohydrate restriction and it works very well.
To learn how to "cure" your diabetes follow the technique explained here:
(Note: The Jennifer who wrote this wonderful advice is another person, not me!)
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