Friday, September 21, 2007

Three Different Conversations

This past week I had some version of the following exchange with three different people. One works at the local diner. One is an executive at a well known political action organization. One is an excellent dentist. All occurred in the midst of a conversation about something else.

Me: I maintain a web site that summarizes what mainstream lab research tells us about controlling diabetes.

Other Person: Oh, really. My [mother/father, sister/brother, aunt/uncle, and grandparents -- chose 3] all died of diabetes. I really worry about it.

Me: Have you tested your blood sugar after eating?

OP: No. Why would I do that?

Me: To get an early indication of whether you are developing diabetes--so that you can cut back on the carbohydrates you eat and prevent it from getting much worse.

OP: Carbs? Why carbs. Aren't you supposed to eat a low fat diet? That's what they told my [mother/father, sister/brother, aunt/uncle, and grandparents -- choose 1.]

Me: Yes. Well that's sadly part of why they probably died of diabetes. It is carbs that raise blood sugar, not fat.

OP: Wow. I didn't know that. You ought to write something about this!

Me: I have!

The sad part here is that these people all see doctors. The doctors know that they are overweight and also know their family histories. But no doctor ever mentioned any of these ideas to them. Instead, they were simply told to "lose weight" and "to exercise" which they've tried in the past with little success, like 95% of all people over age 45. When they do try to lose weight, they eat a low fat diet full of healthy grains. Guess how much weight they lose. You got it. None.

None of these people had been tested for diabetes with anything but the fasting plasma glucose test. I suspect their FPGs are well over normal, too. But in this region at least, most family doctors won't tell a person they have a problem with their blood sugars until their fasting blood sugar reaches the 120 mg/dl range. And if they do tell them to diet, they still tell them to eat a Low Fat/HIGH carb diet.

Every one of these people could have been given the information that--without the need to lose midlife weight--could have given them normal blood sugars and an unrestricted future. None of them were. Sadly, all of them probably will develop diabetes, because who is going to pay attention to what some woman with a computer says?

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